

Manage International Languages & Contexts Effectively

Language barriers and international contexts can disrupt Payers’ business processes and hinder their ability to communicate. HPS helps Payers provide multilingual service and flexibility for the requirements of their international clients. This enables the Payer to proactively meet the needs of an increasingly global customer base online.

Schedule a demo to manage the language and globalization needs of your clients more effectively.

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Engage Each User Uniquely

Whether your customers speak other languages, your members are offshore, or you serve multinational clients, web portal internationalization will help you engage and manage them efficiently. Adjust your portal display to a format your customers are comfortable with.

Multi-language Portal Labels

Import Data That’s in Other Languages

International Time & Date Display

Time Zone Settings

International Mailing Address Formatting

Multi-currency Display Options

The HPS web portal is rules-based and will adjust the portal display based on who your users are, where they’re from, and the language they speak.

Get Equipped to Manage Complex Customer Needs

Payers who partner with HPS will get support and built-in portal capabilities to manage a diverse and global set of customers.

  1. Web Page Translation Services
  2. Editing Tools for Tweaking Portal Labels
  3. Portal Displays that Accommodate Complex Character Sets (such as Chinese or Russian)
  4. International Time, Date, and Address Formatting
  5. Online Currency Selection

With portal internationalization, Payers will be prepared to address the unique needs of their different customers.

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sample portal screen with Spanish labels
group of businesspeople at a conference table

Easier Engagement and Reduced Disruption

Users who are confused by what they see in your portal will generate more calls to your Customer Service. Plus, when data submitted online isn’t in the required international formats, your team will spend more time editing the incorrect data.

Internationalize your portal to avoid business disruption and to see:

  1. Data submitted in the correct format the first time
  2. Lower call volumes from users speaking another language
  3. Reduced disruption of business processes
  4. Customers who are comfortable and engaged in your portal

You’ll be equipped to manage the language and context needs of your existing clients and have the proven experience for future clients.

Schedule a demo to provide multilingual, internationalized service online.

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