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Browser Apps – 4 Reasons Why They Are the Way to Go

Posted on by Jenny Wan
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Browser Apps – 4 Reasons Why They Are the Way to Go

We all want to improve our members’ online experience by giving them mobile-based access to their data. However, if we don’t take the right approach to providing mobile access, we will do more harm than good.

Though people traditionally think of an “app” as something they download from an app store, more modern approaches allow users to access mobile capabilities through a Browser App. With this approach, users access your portal through the browser on their device, save the portal’s Browser App to their device, and press the Browser App when they need to return to your portal.

Portal access feels the same when you compare a Browser App to an app store app. However, when you look more closely, you’ll see that the member experience is actually much better on a Browser App.

Do you want to create the best possible member experience on mobile? Here are 4 reasons why Browser Apps are the way to go.


1. Avoid Painful App Store Delays

A few years back, a client asked us to create an app store app, which was quick and easy to do. However, when we submitted it to the app stores, the app implementation came to a screeching halt. We spent weeks waiting for the app stores to test it and provide their feedback. Once we made the requested adjustments, we waited another few weeks for the app stores to review it again and then publish it to the app store.

Before we knew it, we had spent 3 months waiting for the app stores to approve an app that had only taken a few days to develop. As this was going on, our client was under constant pressure from their customers who were demanding to know when the app would be ready.

With a Browser App, the time and pressure of waiting on app stores is removed completely. The day your portal is moved live is the same day your Browser App is moved live. Period. Because of the speed in which your Browser App is available, you can give your members immediate mobile access and avoid the pain of being at the mercy of app stores.

2. Browser App Updates Are Accessible to Members Immediately

Remember the story about the long wait time for publishing a new app to the app stores? Well, that long wait time applies to app updates too. Bug fixes can take weeks for app stores to review and publish. App enhancements? Same thing. And even when these are published to the app, the member often has to manually update the app in order to experience the improvements.

With Browser Apps, all app updates are available to your members immediately. No wait times and no manual app updates. This gives your members the best possible mobile experience while also sparing you from inquiries about the delivery date of your app improvements.

3. Faster to Download

Think about the number of steps to download an app store app. First, users have to go to the app store. Second, they have to search for your app. They have to use the exact naming for your app to make sure they get the right one. If they don’t have the right name, they’ll have to spend time sifting through which one is yours. Then thirdly they have to download the app. The number of steps often gets so time consuming that if it takes too long, members will give up.

For Browser Apps, members simply go to your portal URL and click the “Save” button. Then they’re done. No second guessing of whether they’re at the right place and no excessive time spent on all of the steps. By reducing the number of steps for members to engage with you on mobile, your company increases the chances that your members will download and use your mobile capabilities.

4. Members Can do Everything on Browser Apps

Most of us have experienced a situation where we’ve downloaded an app store app and created an account only to find that the task we need to do can only be done on the browser-based portal. Situations like this cause frustration about the time wasted and also about the company that has brought that wasted time upon us.

Because Browser Apps are completely browser-based, your members will have all of your portal capabilities on their fingertips. Members won’t have to worry about whether they can do fewer things from their mobile device versus from their computer. Members can seamlessly use your whole portal without frustration and wasted time.


When members have a positive portal experience from their mobile device, they’ll also have a positive perception of your company. By taking the Browser App approach to delivering mobile experiences to your members, you’ll help your members and your team avoid the frustrations of long waits and wasted time. But more importantly, you’ll create positive online experiences that your members will value, appreciate, and come back to.

Schedule a Demo to see portal Browser Apps firsthand and to start creating positive, mobile-based experiences for your members.

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